Lion Mark for ID


Auburn Noon Lions

The Auburn Noon Lions Club agreed to endorse your candidacy for International Director at our September 28th board meeting.

Auburn Noon Lions

Bremerton Central Lions

We look forward to voting at the District N Spring Convention in favor of your endorsement. Your list of accomplishments in Lionism are impressive and we wish you continue success on your Lion’s journey.

Lynn Byrne, Secretary

Peninsula Lions

We are proud to endorse Lion Mark Mansell as a candidate for International Director. Both he and PDG Debbie are inspiring Lions who have not only made a significant difference in our own communities, but around the world. He is a phenominal leader and will be a strong voice on the International Board.

Tammy Foes, Secretary

Zone Endorsement

We have known Lion Mark for many years and have seen his leadership and passion for service. He has served in leadership positions at all levels including District Governor in 2018-19.  It is also well known in the zone and the district that he is highly involved beyond our district at both the multiple district and international levels.

The clubs of our zone are proud to support Lion Mark with his candidacy to serve on the International Board of Directors.  We feel he will serve our association well, representing not only our members in our zone and district, but the Lions of the world.

Lion Jan Heaton, Zone Chairperson 19-N9 (formerly 19-G1)