Lion Mark for ID


Lion Mark's extensive record of local and international service underscores his steadfast commitment to bettering our world.
Lion Mark is a leader who shows selfless dedication to uplifting others, fostering collaboration, and enabling Lions to serve their communities better.
Lion Mark champions a transformative path to create meaningful change through innovative, inclusive service that addresses the highest global needs.
Meet Lion Mark
Lion Mark's personal and professional experience shows his tireless work ethic, record of accomplishment, and innovative spirit.
Support Lion Mark for International DirectorYour VOTE matters!

Want to help Lion Mark get elected? Here's how:

At the 2025 International Convention in Orlando, Florida, USA, delegates from all clubs throughout the world in good standing attending the convention will get a chance to vote for Lion Mark. The following are steps you need to take to be a delegate and vote for Lion Mark:

Who is supporting Lion MarkWhat Clubs are Endorsing Lion MarkReasons to Endorse Lion Mark

Read the endorsements for Lion Mark

Lion Mark has gained endorsements to serve as an International Director from Lions in District 19-N, and because of his global experience he has also gained support from Lions all around the world.

Lacey Sunrise Lions

We the Lacy Sunrise Lions Club hereby endorse PDG Dr. Mark Mansell as a candidate for LCI International Director.

We have had several opportunities to hear him speak about important issues that affect the personal lives of those ranging frorm local communities to worldwide levels. his fundraising support for Leader Dog for the Blind and his lates visit to India demonstrates his interest and concern.

We understand the candidate for International Director should be one who best characterizes what we stand for: honesty, integrity, and humanitarian service.

Without ignorning the fine qualities of other candidates, we advocate PDG Dr. Mark Mansell because of his outstanding contributions.

Michael R. Ragan, LSL Club President

James C. Moughon III

Mark will be a superb international director, but more importantly, he will be an even better leadership example. He epitomizes strong values and lives them daily.  His work ethic coupled with his maturity will ensure Mark will be successful as an international director.  Based on my forty-two years of military and civilian service, I know our association will benefit by having people like Mark representing the Lions.    

Jay Moughon, International Director 2022-2024, Colonal, US Army – Retired

Hoquiam Lions Club

The Hoquiam Lions Club enthusiastically supports Dr. Mark Mansell for International Director. He has fulfilled and exceeding almost every level of Lionism including recognition as an International leader. Any selection committee would be ngligent by passing up on this extremely qualified candidate.

Mary Thornton, President and Gerald D. Schaefer, Secretary

Tacoma Centnnial Lions

The Tacoma Centennial Lions Club is proud to announce that they will support the candidacy of Lion Dr Mark Mansell for International Director of Lions Clubs International.

Angela M. Davis, President and Robert V. Johnson, 2VDG – Secretary

Puyallup South Hill Lions

The Pullallup South Hill Lions Club are pleased to inform you we will support your goal of bercoming an International Director. Thank you for all your work serving our community through Lions.

PZC Fred De Rome, Secretary/Treasurer

Lakewood First Lions

By unanimous vote from our club members, we will use our votes to endorse you. Thank you for your outstanding leadership!

PDG Dan Comsia, President and Lynda Jackson, Secretary

Olympia Host Lions

It is with great pleasure that the Olympia Host Lions Club
Board of Directors unanimously endorses you as a candidate
for International Director of Lions Club International.

Andrew Beattie, President

Jama Wahl

I have had the privilege of working with Lion Mark as a member of the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum team. He would be an outstanding ID.

Lion Jama Wahl, General Chairperson – Reno Forum 2023

La Center Lions

You and Lion Debbie were the sparks our club needed to expand our membership and service activities. You helped shift the paradigm to leadership and fund raising as a form of service too. So, we wanted you to know we’re all rooting ofr you and have unanimously voted to endorse you as International Director.

Edie Brannon, President

Jan Weatherly

Lion Mark exhibits all the leadership qualities needed to move our organization forward through the needed transition that appeals to younger members: kindness, energy, strong listening skills, honesty, support with meaningful guidance, and honesty. He comes to this opportunity with the respect of those who have gone before him who are now opening the doors to take him to the next level of leadership.     

Jan Weatherly, PDG, MD-19 LCIF Coordinator

Leslie Chasse

I fully endorse Mark for International Director. He’s one of the most knowledgeable Lions I know of, and as VDG he’s my first order mentor. Mark has a way with people that is quite unique. As International Director Dr Mark Mansell, would be of great benefit to all of Lionism.

Leslie Chasse, FVDG District 19N

Dr. Brian Scott

I enthusiastically endorse Lion Mark Mansell for International Director, citing his exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to global service. Since joining the Lions in 2017, Mark has consistently inspired me and my club with his positive energy, humility, and kindness. As my Global Action Team counterpart, his enduring passion and drive at the district level are truly special and something for others to emulate. Mark’s proven dedication and visionary approach uniquely qualify him to serve on the global stage, transcending club, district, and multiple district levels. His transformative service and commitment to positive change make him the ideal candidate to elevate Lionism internationally. Lion Mark Mansell is the visionary leader we need for lasting impact and global success! – Dr. Brian M. Scott, Camas Lions Club Immediate Past President & District GLT

PDG Dennis Kelly III

I first met Lion Mark when I was on the faculty of the Lions Certfied Instructor Program (LCIP) in Toronto Canada 2019.

It was obvious that Lion Mark was a dedicated Lion and passionate about learning how to be a better facilitator. He made many friends in the class and impressed all of the faculty with his keen sense of observation and understanding.

In 2021 we worked together as faculty for the next LCIP class in Des Moines IA and then again in Anaheim CA in 2022. He understands the concept of working together as a team to achieve success.

Lion Mark is intelligent, understanding, dedicated and passionate about our organization  and its members.

He has all the qualities that we need to move our organization forward and to be successful.

I proudly endorse the candidacy of Lion Mark for the office of International Director.

Dennis W. Kelly III, PDG, MD5M GLT Coordinator and Chair, Board of Directors MD5M Lions KidSight Foundation, Inc.

Camas Lions

We admire the personal Lion’s journey of you and your partner-in-service, Debbie. Your bicycle ride and motorcycle ride show just how much you truly care about service and prove you are committed and have the fortitude to serve on the International Board of Directors.  The membership of Camas Lions Club officially voted to endorse you. 

Stephanie O’Dell, President

Shelton Centennial Lions Club

It is with great pleasure that the Shelton Centnnial Lions Club Board of Directors unanimously endorses you as a candidate for International Director of Lions Club International.

Becky Conquist, President

Sumner Lions

Your experience, record of service, leadership training achievements, as well as you many awards and recognitions certainly qualfy you for the position of International Director. The Lions Club of Sumner would like to formally endorse your candidacy for International Director.

Kim Enlow, President

Hood Canal Lions

It is with great pleasure that the Hood Canal Lions endorse your candidacy for International Director in Lions Clubs Internationa. Our deligates plan on attending the District 19N Convention to cast our votes for you.

Lloyd Layman, President

Fort Vancouver Lions

The Fort Vancouver Lions Club endorse PDG Dr. Mark Mansell as International Director… as well as cast our votes for him. It was unanimosly voted upon by the club members to make this endorsement.

Shelly Brown, Secretary

Auburn Noon Lions

The Auburn Noon Lions Club agreed to endorse your candidacy for International Director at our September 28th board meeting.

Auburn Noon Lions

Bremerton Central Lions

We look forward to voting at the District N Spring Convention in favor of your endorsement. Your list of accomplishments in Lionism are impressive and we wish you continue success on your Lion’s journey.

Lynn Byrne, Secretary

Peninsula Lions

We are proud to endorse Lion Mark Mansell as a candidate for International Director. Both he and PDG Debbie are inspiring Lions who have not only made a significant difference in our own communities, but around the world. He is a phenominal leader and will be a strong voice on the International Board.

Tammy Foes, Secretary

Zone Endorsement

We have known Lion Mark for many years and have seen his leadership and passion for service. He has served in leadership positions at all levels including District Governor in 2018-19.  It is also well known in the zone and the district that he is highly involved beyond our district at both the multiple district and international levels.

The clubs of our zone are proud to support Lion Mark with his candidacy to serve on the International Board of Directors.  We feel he will serve our association well, representing not only our members in our zone and district, but the Lions of the world.

Lion Jan Heaton, Zone Chairperson 19-N9 (formerly 19-G1)