Service Experience
Lion Mark recognized his desire to volunteer and help others early in his childhood. But it was in high school when his willingness to serve motivated him to join his school’s Key Club. After high school, his volunteer efforts were connected to youth activities such as educational experiences outside of school and youth sports.
This passion for making his community better linked once again to a formal service organization when in 1997 he joined the Omak/Okanogan Rotary Club (Omak, WA). Thankfully for Lions, in 1998 he accepted the job of superintendent of schools in Mansfield, WA and joined the Mansfield Lions Club (read more about his Lions journey in the Meet Lion Mark section).
His passion for service, creative thinking, and fearless drive to tackle big projects has allowed him to gain a wide perspective on Lions and the positive difference we have had on the world. The examples of his service experiences shown below are connected to each of our Global Causes. This broad and diverse service record will help him greatly in the role of International Director.
Vision Projects Experience
Cycling for Leader Dogs
• 3,500 mile solo bicycle ride across America (2012) – Daily Journal.
• The trip raised $105K and Raised awareness for Leader Dogs.
• This project created engagement with more than 100 clubs or Lion events.
• The story of the trip made the cover of Lions Magazine (June 2013).
Motorcycling for Leader Dogs
• 48 lower US states in 24 days on motorcycles (2013).
• The trip was more than 10,300 miles.
• This effort raised $45K and created engagement with more that 50 Lions Clubs or Lion events.
Leader Dogs Go Hawaiian
• Team Mansell bicycled 235 miles around the Big Island of Hawaii (2014).
• They visited several Lions Clubs to talk about Leader Dogs for the Blind.
• They spoke at the District 50 mid-winter convention about Leader Dogs for the Blind.
Vision Screening
• Vision screening has become a strong part of their service.
• As District Governor, one of Marks’s goals was to expand vision screening from a zone project (G2) into a district project. This was accomplished by end of 2019.
• Lion Debbie wrote an LCIF District and Club Community Impact Grant in partnership with the Camas Lions for the purchase of two new vision screeners for use that expands our capabilities as Lions.
Youth Projects Experience
Flags for First Graders
• As a military Veteran and an educator, Lion Mark is always suprised when students don’t know the meaning of Memorial Day. So while on the bicycle ride across America, the idea came to him to teach students about our flag and what the ultimate sacrifices that have been made for our freedoms.
• With the help of so many different Lions, clubs, and partners, he and PDG Doug Hall (Hazel Dell Lions, N-10) designed a unique flag base, they developed a pamphlet and coloring book, and added a small American flag to give 1st graders prior to Memorial Day each year.
• Lions have since given out nearly 40,000 sets to first graders across SW Washington as a result.
Bicycle Rodeo
• Another off-shoot from Bicycling for Leader Dogs was the idea of teaching kids bicycle safety.
• Over the years, Lion Mark has organized and led serveral bicycle rodeos to teach safe riding skills.
Youth Programs
• School carnivals have become a tradition in many Lions clubs including Lion Mark’s clubs.
• The efforts to raise funds, provide food/clothes, offer scholorships, and support students in a wide variety of youth service has been a lifelong passion for both Lions Mark and Debbie.
• As an educator and school superintendent, Lion Mark’s passion has always been to work to create as many opportunities and supports for students. Debbie has been right by his side all the way in this work.
Hunger Projects Experience
Food Baskets
• Providing food and addressing food insecurity is a passion for both Lions Mark and Debbie. They have worked for years along with our fellow Lions to provide food and food collection efforts especially during the holiday season.
• Some of their most impactful “Lions Moments” have been when we deliver food to those in need.
Food Banks and FCRCs
• They also spend a lot of time helping out at their local food bank in many ways.
• Lion Mark serves on the facilities committee and helps out improving our building including a recent addition of a new cooler.
• In addition, Lions Mark and Debbie are strong champions of supporting our schools’ Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) to support students in need. Given their long standing commitment to youth, this effort is an obvious service effort for Lion Mark. As superintendent of schools in La Center, he worked with his school board and staff to launch their own FCRC for their students.
Diabetes Projects Experience
Health Fair and Community Services Support
• Lions Mark and Debbie have participated in many health fairs and commuity services events to those in need.
• With Lion Debbie working in the health field for forty years, it was no surprise that she recently created a new partnership with the Red Cross to host blood drives where the Peninsula Lions provide the space and support services.
• Currently one of their biggest service projects is partnering with local service providers to assist commuity members in need, finding resources including diabetes awareness.
Disaster Project Experience
Australian Bush Fires
• With the help of Past International President Barry Palmer, Lions Mark and Debbie volunteered to cook meals for firefighters and military personnel in Australia in 2019. It was such an impact experience for them and they are so thankful to have been able to help the Tacking Point Lions in this much needed support project.
Environment Projects Experience
Beach Clean-up
• Lion Mark’s club (Peninsula Lions) participates in community beach clean-up several times a year.
Community Garden
• Lions Mark and Debbie have helped in a number of community garden projects over their years as Lions. Their most recent effort was with International President Dr. Patti Hill during her recent visit to Longview for their 100th Anniversary Celebration.
Humanitarian Service Project Experience
2024 Global Week of Service to India
• Lions Mark and Debbie went to India as part of team of forty Lions from around the world to participate in humanitarian service projects. The trip was hosted by 2nd International Vice President, A.P. Singh. They visited schools, hospitals, blood banks, vision screening projects, and food delivery to those most in need. It was an incredible experience that helped Mark and Debbie expand their global Lions experience even further through first hand service experience.
Serving Down Under
• In 2019, Lions Mark and Debbie were in Australia and worked with a local club to care for their community sensory garden. They also had the opportunity to visit the local Koala Hospital to see how Lions help the hospital care for injured koalas.
Childhood Cancer Projects Experience
Wonderful Onsies Wardrobe
• Lion Edie Brannon and the La Center Lions are leaders in efforts to care for children with cancer. Lions Mark and Debbie have helped this effort as members of that club for many years. This has included building birdhouses, custom wigs, and most recently the Wonderful Onesies Wardrobe (WOW) project that provides a one piece sleeper with a specialty designed panel to allow access for chemo ports. This WOW project was recently recognized with a Kindness Matters Award as one of the top six service projects in Constitutional Area 1 (USA) by Lions International.